This page provides information on ACOF’s available general affordable units, listed by county. Please note that these listings are for general affordable housing only.
For those seeking Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) units, please be aware that these units are not available through our website. Access to PSH units is managed through the Coordinated Entry System (CES). CES is a centralized system designed to prioritize and connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness with the appropriate housing resources and services based on their specific needs. For more information or to apply for PSH in Los Angeles County, please contact the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority at (213) 225-658 and for Ventura County, please contact the Ventura County Continuum of Care directly at (805) 658-4342.

Los Angeles County
Huntington Square

Ventura County
Ventura Springs

This housing is offered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, familial status, national origin, citizenship status, immigrant status, primary language, marital status, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, disability, source of income (including receipt of Section 8 and other similar vouchers), genetic information, military or veteran status, arbitrary characteristics, or any other basis currently, or subsequently prohibited by law.
A person with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation (a reasonable change in policies), a reasonable structural modification, an accessible unit or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, in order to have equal access to a housing program. If you or anyone in your household has a disability, and because of that disability requires a specific accommodation, modification or auxiliary aids or services to fully use our housing services, please contact our staff for a reasonable accommodation form. The use of a Reasonable Accommodation Form is not required.
You may provide a letter or document from your third-party professional certifying your disability and accommodation needs .