Thank you for visiting the official Web site of A Community of Friends.
For additional information about this site or about A Community of Friends you may contact us at:
A Community of Friends
3701 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 700
Telephone: 213-480-0809
e-mail: info@acof.org
Statement of Purpose
This Web site is an educational and informational electronic publication of A Community of Friends (ACOF). Its purpose is to share the story of ACOF’s affordable housing developments and to invite interested online visitors to be part of those efforts. A Community of Friends was the first agency to successfully implement the permanent supportive housing model throughout Los Angeles County. We are one of only a handful of agencies that offer supportive and service-enriched affordable housing for formerly homeless individuals and families living with mental illness in Los Angeles County. ACOF specializes in:
Project Development
Comprehensive experience with identifying and acquiring sites, determining financial feasibility, securing financing for all aspects of development (acquisition, pre-development, and construction), and project management.
Property and Asset Management
Strong management of ACOF properties including overseeing property management services at all ACOF buildings, managing operating budgets, overseeing property regulatory compliance and all lender and investor requirements, including physical and fiscal compliance.
Supportive Services
Wide-ranging on-site support services including individual case management, life skills classes, substance use and recovery assistance, family support and programming, childcare assistance, transportation assistance, and employment services as needed.
Legal Notice
This site was developed and is maintained by A Community of Friends, Los Angeles, CA.
Reprint Information
Permission generally is granted to reprint articles from this Web site for educational, noncommercial purposes. Requirements for reprinting are as follows:
Writer’s byline, if applicable
Reprinted, in its entirety, with permission of A Community of Friends.
For permissions or to advise of links to this site, e-mail webmaster@acof.org
Upon print publication of material from this site, for our records we require that a copy be sent to:
Webmaster, A Community of Friends, 3701 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA 90010 USA
Feedback Invited
Again, thank you for visiting the Web site of A Community of Friends. We welcome your feedback.