A Community of Friends (ACOF) is dedicated to managing our buildings and supporting tenants from the moment a project is conceived until it is fully occupied, providing affordable housing with onsite supportive services. Utilizing the Housing First model, we ensure that tenants have immediate access to housing without preconditions, coupled with the comprehensive support necessary to remain stable in housing. Our work is built on three pillars: Housing Production, Supportive Services, and Property Management. We provide Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) which combines affordable rental housing with services such as case management, Family & Children’s Services, Health & Housing, Professional Development, and Substance Use Recovery programming, all aimed at fostering stability and independence for people with disabilities experiencing homelessness.
Our Housing Team is responsible for ACOF’s real estate development program, overseeing an ambitious supportive housing pipeline of projects in both pre-development and construction stages. The team identifies and acquires sites, determines financial feasibility, pursues land use approvals, secures financing for all aspects of development (acquisition, predevelopment, and construction), and hires and oversees the architect and construction team. ACOF’s project managers and associates are experts in navigating the complexities of the affordable housing sector. Environmental sustainability is a key feature of ACOF buildings, with the team pursuing best-in-class sustainable building strategies and practices, such as the Living Building Challenge, LEED® Certification, and NetZero green building programs.

Success in Permanent Supportive Housing relies on the quality of supportive services provided. Our Services Team, ACOF’s largest department, comprises case managers, supervisors, and specialists who serve as frontline providers, strategists, and community builders. They ensure that tenants and their families have access to high-quality, individualized, and group care, fostering housing stability and personal growth.
Our Services Team has extensive experience implementing a Housing First philosophy utilizing a harm reduction approach to ending homelessness. Our services staff coordinate and deliver important services including such as case management, Family & Children’s Services, Health & Housing, Professional Development, and Substance Use Recovery programming. The team also partners with numerous other social service agencies to provide additional support to ACOF tenants.

Research has found that the efficacy of Permanent Supportive Housing is significantly enhanced when providers maintain high day-to-day operational standards and work collaboratively with service providers to foster a high quality environment that reflects the organization’s mission. Our Property Management team leads the charge in ensuring that buildings are well-maintained, all compliance requirements are met, and tenants have a cohesive and supportive experience. Case Managers and Property Managers work together as a team to address a range of needs from property maintenance requests to case management, programs, and other support services, creating a supportive and stable environment for tenants to thrive in housing.